위책의 저자 John Cass가 Social Media Measurement에 대한 자신의 생각을 자신의 블로그에 포스트했습니다.
상당히 Insightful한 가이드라인이라서 흥미롭습니다.
-Another way to publish content and ideas - higher volume of content, higher search rankings, traffic to the blog from RSS feedreaders
-Thought leadership - higher search ranking, more media contacts, higher profile in the community, contribute new ideas to the community.
-Build a community - More linked connections, and facebook friends, more ideas contributed by your contacts from the blog
-Increasing sales - conversations from traffic from the blog and social media, using analytics to discover if the blog influenced trends
-Boost search engine positions - track the ranking of keywords that are featured in the blog, determine if any blog posts appear in the keyword rankings.
-RSS syndication - use FeedBurner to track numbers, traffic to the blog from RSS feedreaders
-Gather feedback on a product or service - new ideas that turn into products or upgrades, volume and quality of customer suggestions.
-Customer service - track number of customer complaints and issues found, track number of customer complaints and issues resolved.
-A way to get interview requests from journalists - track interview requests, track number of interviews, stories published.
-Increasing link popularity - Count the number of links to the blog indexed in each search engine
-Respond to negative comments - track incidents of negative comments, track resolution of negative comments.
-Customer registrations - track traffic to sign up page, and number of registrations, determine number of conversations from registration to customer.
-Crisis communications - debriefing after crisis communications events, how did the blog help with the event and response.
또 웹전략가인 Jeremiah Owyang이 이미 발간한 Social Media Measurement and Metrics관련 정보 Tracking the Influence of Conversations도 관심있는 AE들 참고하시기 바랍니다.
조만간 Social Media를 이용한 PR 전문가인 Joseph Thornley가 주축이 되어 Jeremiah Owyang, Kami Huyse, Scott Karp, Christopher Carfi, Mike Manuel, the Research Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research, John Bell, Flemming Madsen, Geoff Livingston, Katie Paine, David Brain, Brendan Cooper, Brian Solis and Jeff Jarvis 등의 쟁쟁한 Social Media 친구들이 모두 마주 앉아 offline roundtable meeting을 가질 예정이라고 합니다.
라운드 테이블 미팅이 끝나고 나면 다시 백서를 발간한다는 데 그거나 한번 얻어 보려고 합니다. 그들이 다 차려 놓은 밥상에 앉는 느낌으로....?
이사님께 이 포스팅을 드립니다. :)
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