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Good Insight!

딜로이트는 왜 CES에 갔을까?

사용자 삽입 이미지
컨설팅사인 딜로이트가 지금 열리고 있는 CES에서 발표한 컨설팅 보고서
State of the Media Democracy 의 내용입니다.

주요 insight들을 정리해 보면 다음과 같다고 합니다;

  • 45% of respondents—representing U.S. media consumers—develop websites, photo albums, blogs and music online to share with everybody from family and friends to complete strangers. That is, the notion of consumer-generated content is alive and well.
  • 32% of consumers consider themselves to be “broadcasters” of their own media
  • 54% are increasingly making their own entertainment
  • 69% are consumer content created by others
  • 69% find their computers more entertaining than their TVs, and over one-third watch TV shows online
  • 58% want to connect their TV to the Net so they can download content or view anything they like on their computers
  • 36% use their cell phones as an entertainment device
  • 50% of female Americans said videogames, PC games, and Internet games have become important entertainment sources
  • 19% of GenXers said ads or product placement in virtual worlds like Second Life are the most influential form of online advertising
  • 23% of Millenials said ads or product placements in video games are the most influential form of online advertising

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