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Kaizen Idea

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최근 리먼브러더스의 파산을 두고 말들이 많은데, 이를 두고 한 블로거가 위기관리에 관한 글을 포스팅한 것을 우연히 읽게 되었다. 제목은 12 Crisis Management Lessons from Lehman Brothers다. 이 12가지 조언들을 읽으면서 이글을 쓴 양반이 위기관리 전문가 또는 PR담당자인 줄 알았는데 아니다. 이 사람은 그냥 존슨앤존슨에서 일했던 경험과 그 회사에서의 integrity 경험만을 배경으로 이렇게 엄청난 수준의 insight들을 정리해 주었다.

Crisis Manager라 자청하는 많은 PR 담당자들은 좀더 분발해야 하겠다. 정말 맘에 드는 포스팅이다.

How do you make sure you and your firm don’t end up like Dick Fuld and Lehman?

1. Surround yourself with good people that challenge you to mitigate executive hubris (Dick Fuld’s problem in negotiating Lehman’s worth).

2. When there is a crisis, emulate other companies that have successfully managed through a crisis

3. The minute a crisis begins, hire a consumer research company to start polling consumer and client perceptions about your organization. Order continuous polling throughout the crisis which will help you avert a crisis of consumer confidence.

4. Identify five executives on your “crisis team”.

5. Develop a risk scenarios and contingent plans.

6. Identify a Public Relations expert who can help you through the crisis (before the crisis not during!).

7. Create a culture that is committed to challenging one another.

8. Create a board of director’s that has at least one “naysayer” on it. If they’re all yes people, you’re in trouble.

9. Make sure someone on the board has P&L expertise, preferably an entrepreneur…forget about the Fortune 500 guys!  (forget about the cronies, you see how far that got Fuld).

10. Recognize your weak spots. (y chromosome issue—what is it you might miss? Why is BlackRock’s #2 a female? Think again!).

11. When there is a problem, develop the plan and get out in front of the issue right away. Don’t procrastinate, which includes a media plan!.

12. When people’s livelihood’s depend on you, it better not be about your ego, you need to serve the greater good.