JONATHAN BERNSTEIN이라고 Crisis Management 관련 글을 아주 맛깔나게 쓰는 선수가 있는데...이 친구가 얼마전에 쓴 25 More Crisis Management Lessons Learned 라는 글이 흥미롭다. 우리나라 사정과 약간 다른 부분도 있지만...생각해 볼 부분들이 꽤 있다.
글의 본문은 여기25 More Crisis Management Lessons Learned
1. 중국발 식품 또는 제품 관련 위기는 계속될 것임. 중국과 관련해 비지니스를 하는 기업은 이를 위기 대비 요소 중 하나로 감안해야 할 것. (We have probably not seen the end of food and product-related crises originating in the People’s Republic of China. Any organization with relevant connections to the PRC should factor this into their crisis preparedness.)
2. 인터넷이 기업의 치부를 점점 더 들춰내고 있음. 항상 신경써서 쓰고, 말하고, 행동할 것.(The Internet continues to make it easier to read about, hear and view skeletons in your closet. Corollary lesson: Conduct your business as if everything you write, say and do might be recorded and you’ll avoid a lot of crises (P.S. There will be 300 million multimedia-capable mobile phones mobile phones shipped in 2008))
3. 조직 내부의 암투가 큰 위기를 불러 올 수 있음 (Intra-organizational infighting is one of the leading causes of crises and plays a major role in exacerbating crises that may otherwise have remained minor.)
4. 동영상 만큼 위기 전파 능력이 뛰어난 것이 없음 (No written statement can transmit crisis-related messages as well as video communication.)
5. 첨단 테크놀로지에 약한 CEO라면 얼른 테크노 전문가 스탭이나 컨설턴트들을 위기관리 목적으로 채용할 것 (If you’re a technophobic CEO, get the heck out of the way and let your techno-savvy staff and/or consultants guide you on the best ways to use technology for crisis management purposes.)
6. (미국에서) BBB가 점점 비판을 받고는 있지만 기업명성관리를 위해서는 아직도 큰 영향력을 가지고 있음 (The Better Business Bureau (at least in the United States) can be a royal pain in the ass to deal with because of its institutionalized bias and bad habit of presenting information out of context. Unfortunately it’s probably still worth your reputation management time to be highly responsive to BBB complaints and to be a member as well. BBB complaints are often cited by your critics and it’s a very common destination for consumers deciding whether to do business with you.)
7. 온라인 비판세력을 조심할 것 (Ignore a committed online critic and he’ll take most of the top Google rankings under your preferred search terms.)
8. 소송관련 위기 관리는 가능한 여러개의 Plan B들을 마련해야 함 (The most predictable judge or jury is unpredictable. Always prepare for multiple potential outcomes in litigation-related crisis management.)
9. 세상의 모든 기업들에게 블로그는 꼭 필요함 (Every organization in the world needs a blog.)
10. 자주 블로그에 포스팅들을 업로드 할 것 (Changing copy less than once per week on a blog created as a primary communications vehicle (versus strictly for SEO purposes) is like riding a horse in the middle of the German Autobahn - everyone’s going to pass you by or run you down. If you don’t know what “SEO” means, see lesson #5, above.)
11. 많은 기업들이 서치 엔진 최적화를 한다고 하면서 서치 엔진 혼란화를 실행하고 있음 (Too many organizations engage in Search Engine Obfuscation instead of Search Engine Optimization, enhancing their vulnerability to crises.)
12. 위기로부터의 타격을 최소화하거나 피해나갈 수 있는 방법으로 정책이 유효함. 그러나 이러한 정책들은 트레이닝과 병행되어야 함. 안 그러면 아무 소용 없음. (Policies vital to avoiding and/or minimizing the damage from crises MUST be accompanied by initial and refresher training or they are worthless. Corollary lesson: almost every functional area of an organization has (or should have!) such policies.)
13. 노사간에 현격한 문화적 배경의 차이가 있다면 비지니스를 하고 있는 지역의 문화를 가장 잘 아는 사람들에게 위기관리 커뮤니케이션과 의사결정을 맡기고 존중해야 함.(When there are significant cultural differences between the foreign owners of a company and the natives of the country in which they’re doing business, those owners must be willing to defer crisis communications strategy and decisions to those who best understand the culture(s) in which they are communicating.)
14. 이해관계자에 대한 책임을 느끼고 있다면 이해관계자들과의 믿음을 저버리는 짓은 절대 하지 말 것. (If an organizational leader make a commitment to his/her stakeholders, he/she should make certain that everyone in his/her organization (a) is aware of the commitment and (b) does nothing to violate it, or the entire organization’s credibility can suffer immense and completely preventable damage.)
15. 전화 시스템과 웹사이트 서버 시스템이 위기시 폭증한 트래픽으로 다운 될 수도 있으니 미리 시뮬레이션등을 통해 점검 해 볼 것 (Few organizations have telephone systems or website servers capable of managing the dramatic increase in traffic that would result from a crisis. And many of those who think they do haven’t tested their systems through simulation exercises.)
16. 경영진들이 평소 비밀자료 관리에 좀더 신경쓸 것 (If I emptied 10 trashcans in the executive suite (and many other parts) of most organizations at the end of a workday, I would find information that could compromise the reputation and/or financial well-being and/or security of those organizations.)
17. 평소에 위기관리를 위한 물품을 구비해 놓을 것 (If you are likely to need certain types of products or services as a result of the types of crises most common to an organization such as yours (e.g., backup generators, testing laboratories), the time to establish relationships with product/service providers is now, not under the gun of a crisis. Corollary lesson: during times of widespread crises, such as a natural disaster, demand for certain types of products/services is higher than the supply; “preferred customers” move to the front of the line, last-minute customers may not be served at all.)
18. 위기 대응은 어느 한사람에게 리더 역할을 맡기기 보다는 여러사람들이 가능하도록 할 것 (It’s a mistake to let crisis response depend on the leadership skills of any single individual, no matter how talented and charismatic he/she might be. Crisis response should be based on advance planning that generates a system for effective response which works even when individual team members are unavailable at the time the crisis occurs)
19. 위기시 PR을 담당하는 사람은 기존 미디어 뿐 아니라 평소 업계 관련 블로거들과도 친해야 함 (PR representatives for any organization need to be very familiar not only with traditional media, but with leading bloggers covering their industry. In times of crisis, leading bloggers can become more important than traditional media, as they are more prolific, more focused on a subject over the long-term, and more frequently quoted by other bloggers.)
20. 모든 IT 부서와 컨설턴트들이 동일하지는 않음.틀릴때도 있음. (Not all IT departments or consultants are created equal. Some of them think they understand all the ways in which the information on their systems can be compromised. Some of them are wrong.)
21. 컨틴전시 플랜을 만들어야 함 (Far too many organizations have no contingency plan whatsoever for what to do if - tonight - they permanently or for some long term lost access to their primary workplace or a major facility due to a disaster of any kind (e.g., fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane).
22. 기능적인 자세한 위기대응 플랜이 극히 드뭄. 이는 트레이닝과 함께 항상 병행되어져야 함. (There are relatively few organizations that have functional disaster response plans - functional meaning that they include all details of what to do in the event of a man-made or natural disaster and that training has accompanied the plans, to including drills and/or exercises.)
23. 온라인 미디어 아웃렛들을 정기적으로 모니터링 할 것. (Many crises, from reputational threats to threats of violence, have been foreshadowed by messages on traditional websites, blogs or social media sites, but most organizations fail to regularly monitor these online locations. Those seeking to harm individuals or an organization have the portable ability to easily record the written word, audio, and video and post it on the Internet very quickly - or even live.)
24. 최고임원들이 같은 비행기나 차량으로 여행하는 것을 금지하는 규정이 필요함 (Quite a few organizations have a policy of not allowing their top leaders to fly together, yet they are actually at more risk driving together, which they do all the time.)
25. 고위 임원들의 노트북을 조심 할 것 (While many
organizations go to great length to protect the security of data stored
on their servers, the same organizations usually allow executives (and
others) to have notebook computers on which they stored sensitive
information. Those notebook computers, which are taken to public places
and highly vulnerable to theft, are seldom secured by anything more
than a password, which is easily bypassed. There are many articles
about notebook security available online, such as the one at:
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